AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-12-03Just cleaning up. Unused imports and commanted code.Ella Väisänen
2023-12-03Implementing user combination gathering in SQL.Jesse Antti Matikainen
2023-12-03Moving comparison calculations to SQL query.Emma Koistila
2023-12-03Rearrenge rest of db actions.Eila Väyrynen
2023-12-03Moving quiz related db actions to separete class and file.Minea Salmimaa
2023-12-03Modifying SQL SCHEMA to generate timestamps by itself.Unto Markkanen
2023-12-03Moving user related database commands to separate class and file.Unto Markkanen
2023-12-03Move DB stuff inside a class for further refactoring.Arvid Koskinen
2023-11-27Fix Suopanki
2023-11-27DB_URI and SECRET has now defaults in Added venv install instructions.Kalevi Yypänaho
2023-11-27Adding csrf to templates.Kalevi Yypänaho
2023-11-27Fixing so that the code will run again after adding csrf checks.Marjo Murtomäki
2023-11-27Adding csrf checking to every post handler.Marjo Murtomäki
2023-11-27Added requirements file for venv installs. Updated and .gitignore.Kari Lehti
2023-11-27More rework on routes. Best and worst matches. More visuals.Lilian Teronen
2023-11-25MEGA Commit. Rework of routing. Visuals. Answer analysis and much more.Jani Peter Karhunen
2023-11-21Fix some moreEmilia Laaksonen
2023-11-21Fix README.mdMartti Aalto
2023-11-21Initial anwsering form and relatedKristina Hänninen
2023-11-21Update directory hierarchySenni Heidari
2023-11-21Make it poetry project and udate install instructionsMarjukka Jämbäck
2023-11-20Questions now shows up. DB -> JSON -> JS -> DOMTuomas Klavér
2023-11-16Fix README.mdJonathan Rajala
2023-11-16Fix lock-up situation when database gets zapped while session is still onJari Wiik
2023-11-16More db actions and forms.Olli Vilén
2023-11-16Fixing navigation on site in case of redirectMikko Portti
2023-11-10sqlalchemy.orm not needed. Removed from db_actions.pyMikko Portti
2023-11-10Database basics and initial workings of nick registerationMarkku Okkonen
2023-11-07Kuvauksen selvennysyritelmäRisto Torkki
2023-11-01Just initial structure and testing out cookiesMarina Jäntti stylingOnni Waris
2023-10-31Update to README.mdSynnöve Tarvainen
2023-10-31Initial and .gitignoreLyyli Sillankorva
2023-10-31Initial commitTimo Riionheimo