[tool.poetry] name = "sliceitoff" version = "0.4.post1" description = "Arcade game where one slices play area off while avoiding slicing happy faces." repository = "https://git.hix.fi/sliceitoff.git/" authors = ["Viljami Ilola <+@hix.fi>"] readme = "README.txt" packages = [{include = "sliceitoff", from = "src"}] [tool.poetry.dependencies] python = "^3.10" pygame = "^2.5.2" [tool.poetry.group.dev.dependencies] pylint = "^3.1.0" pytest = "^8.1.1" coverage = "^7.4.4" [tool.poetry.scripts] sliceitoff = 'sliceitoff.main:main' [tool.pytest.ini_options] pythonpath = [ "src/sliceitoff" ] [build-system] requires = ["poetry-core"] build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api" [tool.coverage.run] branch = true source = ["src/sliceitoff/"] omit = [ "**/__????__.py", # __init__.py and __main__.py files "src/sliceitoff/game/*", # Needs input and graphics. "src/sliceitoff/menu/*" # Needs input. Easy to test manually. ] [tool.pylint.main] recursive = true source-roots = ["src/sliceitoff"] extension-pkg-whitelist = ["pygame"] # From given .pylintrc [tool.pylint.design] max-args = 7 max-attributes = 8 max-statements = 20 min-public-methods = 0