""" field.field - The playing area or slices, lazer of explosions of it """ import os from random import randrange, choice import pygame from display import Scaling, CGA_COLORS from text import LetterSprite DEBUG = os.getenv("DEBUG") class FieldSprite(pygame.sprite.Sprite): """ Playing area consist of these sprites """ def __init__(self, area: tuple): super().__init__() self.color = (0,255,0,255) self.dead = False self.area = area self.rect = Scaling.area_to_rect(self.area) self.image = pygame.Surface(self.rect.size) self.image.fill(self.color) class SliceSprite(FieldSprite): """ Flashing rectangle like lazer """ def __init__(self, area: tuple ): super().__init__(area) self.color = (255,255,255,255) self.image.fill(self.color) self.timeout = 300 self.dead = True def update(self, dt = 0, **kwargs): """ Just pick a randon color every update from cga palette """ # pylint: disable = unused-argument # explosion arg is given, but no use in SliceSprite if dt: self.timeout -= dt self.color = choice(CGA_COLORS) if self.timeout <= 0: self.kill() else: self.image.fill(self.color) class Field(pygame.sprite.LayeredUpdates): """ group that contains all pieces of field """ initial_area = (320_000, 220_000) def __init__(self, stats = None): super().__init__() self.add(FieldSprite( (0, 0, *__class__.initial_area) )) self.area_full = __class__.initial_area[0] * __class__.initial_area[1] self.stats = stats def calculate_current_area(self): """ calculates sum of areas of all fields """ return sum( s.area[2]*s.area[3] for s in self.active_sprites() ) def update(self, **kwargs): """ just force explosion on """ super().update(explode = True, **kwargs) def update_stats(self): """ calculates remaining area and remaining percentage """ self.stats.percent = 100 * self.calculate_current_area() / self.area_full if DEBUG: print(f"FIELD: {self.stats.percent}") def slice( self, pos: tuple, direction: bool, thickness: int) -> pygame.Rect: """ Slice one area into two areas """ # Slicing hits the area? for overlap in self.get_sprites_at(Scaling.scale_to_display(pos)): if not overlap.dead: break else: return None # Save the area information and remove the sprite ax, ay, aw, ah = overlap.area overlap.remove(self) # create new areas if there is any space if direction: x1 = ax x2 = pos[0] - thickness x3 = pos[0] + thickness x4 = ax + aw if x2 > x1: self.add(FieldSprite( (x1, ay, x2-x1, ah) )) if x4 > x3: self.add(FieldSprite( (x3, ay, x4-x3, ah) )) area = x2, ay, x3-x2, ah else: y1 = ay y2 = pos[1] - thickness y3 = pos[1] + thickness y4 = ay + ah if y2 > y1: self.add(FieldSprite( (ax, y1, aw, y2-y1) )) if y4 > y3: self.add(FieldSprite( (ax, y3, aw, y4-y3) )) area = ax, y2, aw, y3-y2 self.explode(area) zap_spite = SliceSprite(area) self.add(zap_spite) return zap_spite def active_sprites(self): """ Returns all sprites that are not dead """ return [s for s in self.sprites() if not s.dead] def active_rects(self): """ Returns active areas as rects """ return [s.rect for s in self.sprites() if not s.dead] def explode(self, area): """ Make area full of explogind letters """ sx, sy, w, h = area for x in range(int(sx),int(sx+w),8_000): for y in range(int(sy),int(sy+h),8_000): self.add(LetterSprite( ('8x8', 8_000, 0xf), randrange(0,0x100), Scaling.scale_to_display((x,y)) )) def kill_if_not_colliding(self, sprites): """ If there is empty fields that are not yet dead kill them """ for field in self.active_sprites(): for enemy in sprites: if enemy.rect.colliderect(field.rect): break else: self.explode(field.area) field.remove(self) self.stats.field_count=len(self.active_sprites())