""" Reads user input and does actions when game play is on. """ import pygame class Gameplay: """ Logic of the playfield """ def __init__( self, player = None, field = None, status = None, enemies = None, stats = None): self.status = status self.player = player self.field = field self.enemies = enemies self.stats = stats def fire(self): """ Lazer is fired. Actions to be taken. """ zap_sprite = self.field.slice( self.player.position, self.player.direction, 4_000) if not zap_sprite: return False self.stats.add_score(-500) if pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(zap_sprite, self.enemies): if self.stats.lose_life(): return True self.field.kill_if_not_colliding(self.enemies.sprites()) self.field.update_stats() return self.stats.percent < 20 def quit(self): self.stats.lives = 0 return True def step(self): """ Processes events for the step (frame) """ for event in pygame.event.get(): match event.type: case pygame.MOUSEMOTION: self.player.update(pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()) case pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: self.player.update(pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()) if event.button == 1: if self.fire(): return True if event.button == 3: self.player.update(direction = True) case pygame.KEYDOWN: match event.key: case pygame.K_ESCAPE | pygame.K_q: return self.quit() case pygame.K_SPACE: if self.fire(): return True case pygame.QUIT: return self.quit() return False