""" player.player - Player sprite group and actions """ import os import pygame from display import Scaling from text import Fonts DEBUG = os.getenv("DEBUG") class PlayerSprite(pygame.sprite.Sprite): """ The slicing tool. There is 2 of these. Horizontal and vertical """ def __init__(self, image): super().__init__() self.image = image self.rect = self.image.get_rect() def update(self, pos = None): """ Sets sprite center at given position """ if pos: w, h = self.image.get_size() self.rect = self.image.get_rect().move(pos[0]-w//2,pos[1]-h//2) class Player(pygame.sprite.Group): """ The slicer. Special sprite group that only list 1 sprite """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.position = (0,0) self.direction = False self.lazer = False image = pygame.Surface((8,26), pygame.SRCALPHA) for color, y, ch in ( ("red",0,0x18), ("red",13,0x19), ("blue",6,0x09)): ch = Fonts.fonts['standard'].get(ch) ch.fill( color, special_flags = pygame.BLEND_RGBA_MULT) image.blit(ch,(0,y)) image = pygame.transform.scale_by(image, 1_200 * Scaling.factor) image = pygame.transform.rotate(image, 90) self.add(PlayerSprite(image)) image = pygame.transform.rotate(image, 90) self.add(PlayerSprite(image)) def update(self, pos = None, direction = False): """ Updates the position and direction """ if self.lazer: direction = False pos = None if direction: self.direction = not self.direction if pos: self.position = Scaling.scale_to_internal(pos) for sprite in super().sprites(): sprite.update(pos = pos) def sprites(self): """ Only list sprite of current direction for draw """ return [super().sprites()[self.direction]]